Friday, July 3, 2009

x trainer.

Tentative itinerary:

Drive to Chicago area
777 miles

Drive to Sioux Falls
Palisades State Park
Short hikes, nice views, paddling
552 miles

Drive to Badlands National Park
Sage Creek primitive, bring water
Buffalo, Antelope, Hikes, Stars
295 miles

Hike Badlands National Park
Sage Creek, hike notch trail
0 miles

Drive to Wind Cave National Park
Elk Mountain Camp, Veggies Restaurant Rapid City,
Wind cave candlelight tour
Hiking Black Hills
138 miles

Drive through Rushmore and Deadwood
Mt. Rushmore, Saloon 10 Will Bill Show in Deadwood,
Devils Tower, Sturgis craziness, Stay in Motel somewhere
150 miles (to Devil’s Tower)

Drive to Yellowstone National Park
Camp at Norris Campground if available
Norris geyser Basin
488 miles

Hike Yellowstone National Park
Norris Campground, Old Faithful,
Artist Point, Hike South Canyon
0 miles

Drive to Grand Tetons National Park
Lizard Creek Campground,
Raft Snake River from Flagg Ranch to Jackson Lake
79 miles

Drive to Antelope State Park, Utah
Swim Great Salt Lake, hike.
(Or motel nearer Arches to nab spot)
346 miles

Drive to Arches National Park
Devil’s Garden Campground
Hike Arches
255 miles

Drive to Canyonlands National Park
Squaw Flat Campground, arrive very early for spot
83 miles

Drive to Lake Powell
Lone Rock Beach Camp, primitive, crowds
Camp on beach
Swim, boat
166 miles

Lone Rock Beach
Swim, Boat, Hike
0 miles

Drive to Bryce Canyon National Park
Sunset Campground if available
Hike Sunset Point to Sunrise Point
153 miles

Drive to Salt Lake City
Vegan Tiramisu at Sage’s Cafe
Stay in hotel
274 miles

Tuesday, February 24, 2009